Manchester United vs. Nottingham Tip, Prediction & Odds 01.02.2023 – EFL Cup

Czy United zabraknie ostatecznej konsekwencji w półfinałowym drugim etapie?

Co robi Jadon Sancho? Były dortmundczyk jak na razie nie spełnił oczekiwań po przenosinach z Bundesligi do Premier League, a także zmagał się z problemami psychicznymi. Skrzydłowy ostatni raz zagrał dla Manchesteru United 22 października. Choć Sancho wrócił już przynajmniej do treningów, to powrót nie wydaje się być jeszcze w zasięgu wzroku.

I to pomimo faktu, że zbliżający się półfinał EFL Cup drugiego etapu naturalnie idealnie nadawałby się do spokojnego, pozbawionego presji powrotu do akcji meczowej. Przed spotkaniem Manchesteru United z Nottingham wielu bukmacherów nie oferuje już nawet zakładów na dotarcie mistrzów Anglii do finału, gdyż odpowiednie kursy są w druzgocąco niskim przedziale.

Tłem jest oczywiście emfatyczne zwycięstwo Czerwonych Diabłów 3-0 na wyjeździe w pierwszym etapie tydzień temu, które otworzyło szeroko drzwi w kierunku finału na stadionie Wembley pod koniec lutego. Biorąc pod uwagę napięty terminarz gospodarzy, trener Erik ten Hag mógł więc uruchomić machinę rotacji i zmienić swoją wyjściową jedenastkę na wielu pozycjach. Ponieważ faworyci nie muszą już wygrać drugiego etapu, przewidywania dotyczące podwójnej szansy X2 pomiędzy Manchesterem United a Nottingham mogą nabrać większego znaczenia.

Manchester United – statystyki &aktualna forma

Od prawie sześciu lat Manchester United czeka teraz na zdobycie tytułu. W 2023 roku może się to wreszcie powtórzyć. Zwłaszcza w Carabao Cup rekordziści Anglii są już w domu. Po wspomnianym zwycięstwie 3-0 w Nottingham w pierwszym etapie, finał powinien być czystą formalnością w środowy wieczór przed domową publicznością na Old Trafford. Na drużynę Erika ten Hag czekałby tam Newcastle United, skomplikowany, ale bynajmniej nie niepokonany przeciwnik.

Zanim jednak będą mogli cieszyć się z tytułowego meczu w stolicy pod koniec miesiąca, muszą jeszcze zaliczyć 90 obowiązkowych minut. Ciekawie będzie zobaczyć, jak zmotywowani będą gospodarze. Mimo, że jest to mecz domowy przed własnymi kibicami, to zlekceważenie pozycji wyjściowej i pójście do granic możliwości

będzie trudnym zadaniem mentalnym.

Man United są nieco bardziej podatne na ataki defensywne w ostatnim czasie

W związku ze zbliżającymi się zadaniami w Premier League, Lidze Europy i FA Cup, niekoniecznie oczekujemy, że Czerwone Diabły pójdą na całość, a zamiast tego być może skorzystają z okazji, by uzyskać niezbędny rezultat przy pomocy jedenastki C, dlatego kursy na komenderujące domowe zwycięstwo pomiędzy Manchesterem United a Nottingham nie zawierają w naszych oczach żadnej wartości.

Wobec tak subiektywnej, a nie opartej na danych oceny, nie przywiązujemy zbyt dużej wagi do statystyk, które logicznie rzecz biorąc, huśtają się wyraźnie na korzyść Man United. Niemniej jednak uderzające jest to, że drużyna dziesięciu Hag nie tylko zdobyła co najmniej jedną bramkę w trzech ostatnich meczach Premier League (łącznie pięć), ale także nie zdołała zachować czystego konta w meczu FA Cup z drugoligowym Reading u siebie w weekend, pomimo przewagi liczebnej.

Można więc postawić na to, że obie strony strzelą gola. Alternatywnie, zakład na to, że underdog wyjdzie na prowadzenie 1-0 w starciu Manchester United vs Nottingham również oferuje atrakcyjne kursy. Jak wspomniano na początku, holenderski trener wstrząśnie swoim wyjściowym składem. Garnacho, Pellistri czy młodzik Mainoo to opcje od początku. Częstym graczom w otoczeniu Bruno Fernandesa, Christiana Eriksena, a także Marcusa Rashforda przydałaby się przerwa.

Przewidywany skład Manchesteru United:

De Gea; Wan-Bissaka, Martinez, Varane, Shaw; Casemiro, Fred; Elanga, Fernandes, Garnacho; Weghorst

Ostatnie mecze rozegrane przez Manchester United:

FA Cup
29/01/2023 – Manchester United 3 – 1 Reading

Carabao Cup
26/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 0 – 3 Manchester United

Premier League
22/01/2023 – Arsenal FC 3 – 2 Manchester United

19/01/2023 – Crystal Palace 1 – 1 Manchester United

14/01/2023 – Manchester United 2 – 1 Manchester City

Nottingham – statystyki &aktualna forma

Nottingham Forest do tej pory potrafiło przyciągnąć trwałą uwagę w EFL Cup. W drugiej rundzie awansujący z Premier League zespół wyeliminował Tottenham, w ćwierćfinale Wolverhampton został wyeliminowany po ciężkiej walce. Manchester United okazał się jednak nieogarnięty w jednostronnym pierwszym etapie przed tygodniem. Po porażce 3-0 u siebie, underdogs nie będą już mieli realnych nadziei na dotarcie do finału.

Niemniej jednak, dla strony East Midlands – 17 z 34 graczy w składzie to seniorzy – w środowy wieczór będzie chodziło o utrzymanie obecnego pozytywnego tempa, zbudowanie pewności siebie przed czekającymi ich zadaniami ligowymi i jednocześnie wyglądanie dobrze w Teatrze Marzeń.

Nottingham chce pozostać w flow

W ostatnich tygodniach sprawy układają się dla Garibaldi Reds naprawdę dobrze. Z czterech ostatnich spotkań w Premier League wywieziono osiem punktów. Jeśli chodzi o tabelę, to zespół trenera Steve’a Coopera poprawił się na 13. miejsce. Mają cztery punkty przewagi nad pierwszym miejscem spadkowym. W ramach tej zwycięskiej passy, awansowany zespół zdobył również bramkę przeciwko Chelsea. Do tej pory w tym sezonie udało im się również ukraść punkty Liverpoolowi.

W przeciwieństwie do gospodarzy, którzy byli w akcji w weekend, Tricky Trees mieli dużo czasu na przygotowanie się do drugiego etapu EFL Cup, po tym jak przegrali już z Blackpool w trzeciej rundzie FA Cup.

Mimo wszechogarniającego meczu u siebie z Leeds United w przyszły weekend, spodziewamy się zatem jak najlepszego składu, co dodatkowo skłania nas do tego, by z pewną dozą ryzyka przewidzieć dobry wynik dla gości pomiędzy Manchesterem United a Nottingham. W pozytywnym tonie, Forest przeszli trzy z ostatnich sześciu ligowych spotkań bez zdobycia bramki, potwierdzając tendencję wzrostową w defensywie.

Przewidywany skład Nottingham:
Hennessey; Aurier, Worrall, Boly, Lodi; Mangala, Danilo, Freuler; Scarpa; Johnson, Dennis

Ostatnie mecze rozegrane przez Nottingham:

Carabao Cup
26/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 0 – 3 Manchester United

Premier League
21/01/2023 – Bournemouth 1 – 1 Nottingham Forest

14/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 2 – 0 Leicester

Carabao Cup
12/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest (4)1 – 1(3) Wolverhampton

FA Cup
07/01/2023 – Blackpool 4 – 1 Nottingham Forest

Manchester United – Nottingham Direct porównanie / rekord H2H

Przez wiele lat i dekad dwa tradycyjne kluby pojedynkowały się w angielskiej ekstraklasie. Po prawie 25 latach bez bezpośredniego spotkania, ich drogi ponownie skrzyżowały się dopiero w obecnym sezonie. Zarówno w Premier League, jak i w półfinałowym meczu pierwszego etapu Pucharu Ligi, Czerwone Diabły miały przewagę 3:0. W obu przypadkach faworyci już na półmetku prowadzili 2-0.

Jeśli chcesz postawić na maksymalnie jedną bramkę po przerwie w trzecim starciu w ciągu pięciu tygodni pomiędzy Manchesterem United a Nottingham, możesz otrzymać solidny kurs na 1,80

Manchester United – Nottingham porady bukmacherskie

W środowy wieczór nie będzie wielkich emocji w drugim półfinale Carabao Cup. Pierwszy etap przed tygodniem był zbyt jednostronny – Man United wygrał 3-0 w Nottingham. Nikt nie ma wątpliwości, że faworyci dojdą do finału. Jednak to właśnie ta pozycja wyjściowa może doprowadzić do niespodzianki na Old Trafford.

Statystycznie i jakościowo wszystko przemawia za United, ale trener Ten Hag zapewne wiele zmieni i da wielu młodzikom w dziewiątym meczu w miesiącu trochę czasu. Tricky Trees natomiast mogli odpocząć w weekend i mimo beznadziejnej konstelacji rozpoczną w swoim najlepszym składzie. Do tego dochodzi element mentalny, który z pewnością utrudni gospodarzom osiągnięcie własnych granic wydolności.

Próbujemy zatem przed meczem Manchester United z Nottingham z końcówką na podwójną szansę X2 i dostajemy za nią (zdecydowanie) za wysokie 3.15 w szczycie. Goście są niepokonani w czterech meczach Premier League i chcą wreszcie pokazać swój prawdziwy potencjał po dwóch porażkach 3-0 z mistrzami rekordu.

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Manchester United vs. Nottingham Tip, Prediction & Odds 01.02.2023 – EFL Cup

Will United lack the final consistency in the semi-final second leg?

What is Jadon Sancho doing? The former Dortmund man has so far fallen far short of expectations after his move from the Bundesliga to the Premier League and has also been struggling with mental problems. The winger last played for Manchester United on 22 October. Although Sancho is now at least back in training, a comeback does not seem to be in sight yet.

And that’s despite the fact that the upcoming EFL Cup semi-final second leg would naturally lend itself perfectly to a quiet, pressure-free reintroduction to match action. Ahead of the Manchester United v Nottingham encounter, many bookmakers are no longer even offering bets on the English record champions reaching the final, as the relevant odds are in a devastatingly low range.

The backdrop, of course, is the Red Devils’ emphatic 3-0 away win in the first leg a week ago, which has opened the door wide towards the final at Wembley Stadium at the end of February. Given the tight schedule of the home side, coach Erik ten Hag could therefore start the rotation machine and change his starting eleven in many positions. Because the favourites no longer have to win the second leg, the prediction on the double X2 chance between Manchester United and Nottingham could become more important.

Manchester United – Statistics & current form

For almost six years, Manchester United have now waited for a title win. In 2023 it could finally happen again. Especially in the Carabao Cup, the English record champions are already in the home stretch. After the aforementioned 3-0 win at Nottingham in the first leg, the final should be a mere formality on Wednesday evening in front of a home crowd at Old Trafford. Newcastle United, a complicated but by no means invincible opponent, would await Erik ten Hag’s team there.

However, before they can look forward to the title match in the capital at the end of the month, they still have to complete the 90 compulsory minutes. It will be interesting to see how motivated the hosts will be. Although it is a home match in front of their own fans, it will be a difficult mental task to ignore the starting position and to go to the limits of their own performance

Man United have been a little more vulnerable defensively of late

In view of the upcoming tasks in the Premier League, the Europa League and the FA Cup, we do not necessarily expect the Red Devils to go all out, but instead perhaps take the opportunity to get the necessary result with a C eleven, so the odds on a commanding home win between Manchester United and Nottingham contain no value in our eyes.

In view of this subjective and not data-based assessment, we do not attach too much importance to the statistics, which logically swing clearly in favour of Man United. Nevertheless, it is striking that ten Hag’s team not only conceded at least one goal in the last three Premier League games (five in total), but also failed to keep a clean sheet in the FA Cup match against second division Reading at home at the weekend, despite being outnumbered.

It is therefore conceivable to bet on both sides to score. Alternatively, betting on the underdog taking a 1-0 lead in the Manchester United vs Nottingham clash also offers attractive odds. As mentioned at the beginning, the Dutch coach will shake up his starting line-up. Garnacho, Pellistri or youngster Mainoo are options from the start. The frequent players around Bruno Fernandes, Christian Eriksen as well as Marcus Rashford could get a break.

Predicted Manchester United line-up:

De Gea; Wan-Bissaka, Martinez, Varane, Shaw; Casemiro, Fred; Elanga, Fernandes, Garnacho; Weghorst

Last matches played by Manchester United:

FA Cup
29/01/2023 – Manchester United 3 – 1 Reading

Carabao Cup
26/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 0 – 3 Manchester United

Premier League
22/01/2023 – Arsenal FC 3 – 2 Manchester United

19/01/2023 – Crystal Palace 1 – 1 Manchester United

14/01/2023 – Manchester United 2 – 1 Manchester City

Nottingham – Statistics & current form

Nottingham Forest have been able to attract sustained attention in the EFL Cup so far. In the second round, the Premier League promoted team eliminated Tottenham, in the quarter-finals Wolverhampton were eliminated after a hard fight. Manchester United, however, proved to be out of their depth in the one-sided first leg a week ago. After a 3-0 defeat at home, the underdogs will no longer have any realistic hopes of reaching the final.

Nevertheless, for the East Midlands side – 17 of the 34 players in the squad are senior internationals – Wednesday night will be all about maintaining the current positive momentum, building confidence for the league tasks ahead and looking good in the Theatre of Dreams at the same time.

Nottingham want to stay in the flow

Things have been going really well for the Garibaldi Reds in recent weeks. Eight points were taken from the last four Premier League games. In terms of the table, the team of coach Steve Cooper improved to 13th place. They are four points ahead of the first relegation place. As part of this winning streak, the promoted team also scored against Chelsea. They have also managed to steal points from Liverpool so far this season.

Unlike the home side, who were in action at the weekend, the Tricky Trees had plenty of time to prepare for the EFL Cup second leg, having already lost out to Blackpool in round three of the FA Cup.

Despite the all-important home game against Leeds United next weekend, we therefore expect the best possible line-up, which further encourages us to predict a good result for the visitors between Manchester United and Nottingham with a certain degree of risk. On a positive note, Forest have gone three of their last six league games without conceding a goal, confirming their upward defensive trend.

Predicted Nottingham line-up:
Hennessey; Aurier, Worrall, Boly, Lodi; Mangala, Danilo, Freuler; Scarpa; Johnson, Dennis

Last matches played by Nottingham:

Carabao Cup
26/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 0 – 3 Manchester United

Premier League
21/01/2023 – Bournemouth 1 – 1 Nottingham Forest

14/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 2 – 0 Leicester

Carabao Cup
12/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest (4)1 – 1(3) Wolverhampton

FA Cup
07/01/2023 – Blackpool 4 – 1 Nottingham Forest

Manchester United – Nottingham Direct comparison / H2H record

For many years and decades, the two traditional clubs dueled in England’s top division. After almost 25 years without a direct encounter, their paths only crossed again in the current season. Both in the Premier League and in the semi-final first leg of the League Cup, the Red Devils had the upper hand with 3:0. In both cases, the favourites already led 2-0 at half-time.

If you want to bet on a maximum of one goal after the break in the third clash in five weeks between Manchester United and Nottingham, you can get solid betting odds of 1.80

Manchester United – Nottingham betting tips

There will be no great excitement in the second semi-final of the Carabao Cup on Wednesday evening. The first leg a week ago was too one-sided, with Man United winning 3-0 in Nottingham. Nobody doubts that the favourites will reach the final. But it is precisely this starting position that could lead to a surprise at Old Trafford.

Statistically and qualitatively everything speaks for United, but coach ten Hag will probably change a lot and give many youngsters in the ninth match in a month some time. The Tricky Trees, meanwhile, were able to rest at the weekend and will start with their best formation despite the hopeless constellation. In addition, there is the mental component, which will certainly make it difficult for the home side to reach their own performance limits.

We therefore try it before the match Manchester United against Nottingham with the tip on the double chance X2 and get for it a (much) too high 3.15 in the top. The visitors are unbeaten in four Premier League games and want to finally show their true potential after two 3-0 defeats against the record champions.

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Manchester United vs. Nottingham Tip, Prediction & Odds 01.02.2023 – EFL Cup

Will United lack the final consistency in the semi-final second leg?

What is Jadon Sancho doing? The former Dortmund man has so far fallen far short of expectations after his move from the Bundesliga to the Premier League and has also been struggling with mental problems. The winger last played for Manchester United on 22 October. Although Sancho is now at least back in training, a comeback does not seem to be in sight yet.

And that’s despite the fact that the upcoming EFL Cup semi-final second leg would naturally lend itself perfectly to a quiet, pressure-free reintroduction to match action. Ahead of the Manchester United v Nottingham encounter, many bookmakers are no longer even offering bets on the English record champions reaching the final, as the relevant odds are in a devastatingly low range.

Background, of course, is the Red Devils’ emphatic 3-0 away win in the first leg a week ago, which has opened the door wide towards the final at Wembley Stadium at the end of February. Given the tight schedule of the home side, coach Erik ten Hag could therefore start the rotation machine and change his starting eleven in many positions. Because the favourites no longer have to win the second leg, the prediction on the double X2 chance between Manchester United and Nottingham could become more important.

Manchester United – Statistics & current form

For almost six years, Manchester United have now waited for a title win. In 2023 it could finally happen again. Especially in the Carabao Cup, the English record champions are already in the home stretch. After the aforementioned 3-0 win at Nottingham in the first leg, the final should be a mere formality on Wednesday evening in front of a home crowd at Old Trafford. Newcastle United, a complicated but by no means invincible opponent, would await Erik ten Hag’s team there.

However, before they can look forward to the title match in the capital at the end of the month, they still have to complete the 90 compulsory minutes. It will be interesting to see how motivated the hosts will be. Although it is a home match in front of their own fans, it will be a difficult mental task to ignore the starting position and to go to the limits of their own performance

Man United have been a little more vulnerable defensively of late

In view of the upcoming tasks in the Premier League, the Europa League and the FA Cup, we do not necessarily expect the Red Devils to go all out, but instead perhaps take the opportunity to get the necessary result with a C eleven, so the odds on a commanding home win between Manchester United and Nottingham contain no value in our eyes.

In view of this subjective and not data-based assessment, we do not attach too much importance to the statistics, which logically swing clearly in favour of Man United. Nevertheless, it is striking that ten Hag’s team not only conceded at least one goal in the last three Premier League games (five in total), but also failed to keep a clean sheet in the FA Cup match against second division Reading at home at the weekend, despite being outnumbered.

It is therefore conceivable to bet on both sides to score. Alternatively, betting on the underdog taking a 1-0 lead in the Manchester United vs Nottingham clash also offers attractive odds. As mentioned at the beginning, the Dutch coach will shake up his starting line-up. Garnacho, Pellistri or youngster Mainoo are options from the start. The frequent players around Bruno Fernandes, Christian Eriksen as well as Marcus Rashford could get a break.

Predicted Manchester United line-up:

De Gea; Wan-Bissaka, Martinez, Varane, Shaw; Casemiro, Fred; Elanga, Fernandes, Garnacho; Weghorst

Last matches played by Manchester United:

FA Cup
29/01/2023 – Manchester United 3 – 1 Reading

Carabao Cup
26/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 0 – 3 Manchester United

Premier League
22/01/2023 – Arsenal FC 3 – 2 Manchester United

19/01/2023 – Crystal Palace 1 – 1 Manchester United

14/01/2023 – Manchester United 2 – 1 Manchester City

Nottingham – Statistics & current form

Nottingham Forest have been able to attract sustained attention in the EFL Cup so far. In the second round, the Premier League promoted team eliminated Tottenham, in the quarter-finals Wolverhampton were eliminated after a hard fight. Manchester United, however, proved to be out of their depth in the one-sided first leg a week ago. After a 3-0 defeat at home, the underdogs will no longer have any realistic hopes of reaching the final.

Nevertheless, for the East Midlands side – 17 of the 34 players in the squad are senior internationals – the aim on Wednesday night is to maintain the current positive momentum, build confidence for the league tasks ahead and, at the same time, put on a good display in the Theatre of Dreams.

Nottingham want to stay in the flow

Things have been going really well for the Garibaldi Reds in recent weeks. Eight points were taken from the last four Premier League games. In terms of the table, the team of coach Steve Cooper improved to 13th place. They are four points ahead of the first relegation place. As part of this winning streak, the promoted team also scored against Chelsea. They have also managed to steal points from Liverpool so far this season.

Unlike the home side, who were in action at the weekend, the Tricky Trees had plenty of time to prepare for the EFL Cup second leg, having already lost out to Blackpool in round three of the FA Cup.

Despite the all-important home game against Leeds United next weekend, we therefore expect the best possible line-up, which further encourages us to predict a good result for the visitors between Manchester United and Nottingham with a certain degree of risk. On a positive note, Forest have gone three of their last six league games without conceding a goal, confirming their upward defensive trend.

Predicted Nottingham line-up:
Hennessey; Aurier, Worrall, Boly, Lodi; Mangala, Danilo, Freuler; Scarpa; Johnson, Dennis

Last matches played by Nottingham:

Carabao Cup
26/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 0 – 3 Manchester United

Premier League
21/01/2023 – Bournemouth 1 – 1 Nottingham Forest

14/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest 2 – 0 Leicester

Carabao Cup
12/01/2023 – Nottingham Forest (4)1 – 1(3) Wolverhampton

FA Cup
07/01/2023 – Blackpool 4 – 1 Nottingham Forest

Manchester United – Nottingham Direct comparison / H2H record

For many years and decades, the two traditional clubs dueled in England’s top division. After almost 25 years without a direct encounter, their paths only crossed again in the current season. Both in the Premier League and in the semi-final first leg of the League Cup, the Red Devils had the upper hand with 3:0. In both cases, the favourites already led 2-0 at half-time.

If you want to bet on a maximum of one goal after the break in the third clash in five weeks between Manchester United and Nottingham, you can get solid betting odds of 1.80

Manchester United – Nottingham betting tips

There will be no great excitement in the second semi-final of the Carabao Cup on Wednesday evening. The first leg a week ago was too one-sided, with Man United winning 3-0 in Nottingham. Nobody doubts that the favourites will reach the final. But it is precisely this starting position that could lead to a surprise at Old Trafford.

Statistically and qualitatively everything speaks for United, but coach ten Hag will probably change a lot and give many youngsters in the ninth match in a month some time. The Tricky Trees, meanwhile, were able to rest at the weekend and will start with their best formation despite the hopeless constellation. In addition, there is the mental component, which will certainly make it difficult for the home side to reach their own performance limits.

We therefore try it before the match Manchester United against Nottingham with the tip on the double chance X2 and get for it a (much) too high 3.15 in the top. The visitors are unbeaten in four Premier League games and want to finally show their true potential after two 3-0 defeats against the record champions.

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