Mexico vs. Canada Tip Forecast & Odds 08.10.2021

Mexico vs. Canada Tip & Odds, 8. oktober 2021 – 03:40 – VM-kvalifikation CONCACAF

I løbet af kvalifikationen til VM i Nordamerika mødes Mexico og Canada på den fjerde kampdag. Uden tvivl, det er en fodbold godbid. Vi er allerede ved at skrive den sidste og tredje kvalifikationsrunde. Tre af de otte deltagere tager billetten direkte til VM i Qatar. Den fjerde i ligaen gør omvejen via play-offs. Mexicanerne behandles som favoritter i denne kamp. Dette skyldes primært, at “El Tri” har hjemmefordel på Aztec Stadium på fredag fra 03:40. Hvorvidt dette kan bruges, er det nødvendigt at finde ud af i følgende VM betting prognose.

(Status for kontingenterne: 10/07/2021 kl. 15.13)

Mexicanerne skabte en overraskelse på den sidste kvalifikationsdag. I Panama, “El Tri” ikke overstiger en 1:1 efter 90 minutter. Hjemmelaget havde endda mere af en kamp i den første runde og gik gennem Blackburn foran efter 28 minutter. Dette resultat afspejlede også pausen. Anden runde var dengang helt klart gæsternes. I nogle tilfælde blev der opnået mere end 63 procent besiddelse af bolden. Desuden udstrålede Mexico stor fare. I sidste ende var udligningen i det 76. minut mere end berettiget af Corona. Men det var ikke nok at have en trekant til sidst.

Efter tre kampe, Mexico hilser kvalifikationskampe fra toppen af ligaen tabellen i løbet af VM. Der er to sejre og uafgjort. De to sejre skulle vindes mod Costa Rica (1:0) og Jamaica (2:1). Selv om mexicanerne ikke lyste i løbet af kvalifikationen, kan udbyttet beskrives som meget godt.

Holdet var meget stærk foran hjemmet og tabte ikke nogen af de sidste syv hjemmekampe. Men vil det nu være muligt at registrere endnu en oplevelse af succes mod Canada?

16 gange var mexicanerne repræsenteret ved en VM-finale. Ingen anden CONCACAF nation har deltaget i et VM så ofte. Ved VM 2018 i Rusland blev “El Tri” slået ud i sekstenfinalen mod Brasilien.

Mexicos seneste spil

Mexico: 3 sejre – 1 uafgjort – 1 nederlag

(Status: 06.10.2021)

På den sidste kvalifikationsdag mod El Salvador viste canadierne ingen nøgenhed og tabte en meget sikker 3-0 sejr foran deres hjemmehold. Skifterne var allerede sat i første runde til trekampen. Kun seks minutter var gået, da Hutchinson satte hjemmelaget foran. De var stadig sultne efter mål og kom igennem David til 2-0 efter elleve minutter. Værterne opgav kun tre skud på modstanderens mål i de første 45 minutter og to var i. Helt sikkert en god mulighed. Efter skiftet af sider, var gæsterne kendetegnet ved en masse besiddelse af bolden, men var ude af stand til at konvertere det til chancer for scoring. Men canadierne er anderledes. I det 59. minut scorede Buchanan 3-0 og sikrede det endelige resultat på samme tid.

“Canucks” er stadig ubesejret efter tre kampdage i den 3. kvalifikationsrunde. De to første kampe mod USA og Honduras bragte et 1:1 resultat. Frem for alt er lodtrækningen med de amerikanske drenge skal bedømmes som en meget stærk præstation. Oddsene pegede klart på USA som en favorit tip. Fem erobrede point er i øjeblikket tilstrækkeligt til rang 2. Gabet til lederen fra Mexico beløber sig til to point. Med USA og Panama har to andre nationer også fem point på deres konto. Det ser ud til at blive en varm dans omkring de tre direkte kvalifikationspladser. Sammen med USA imponerer Canada med den bedste offensiv i den nordamerikanske kvalifikation. Denne ene ser på fem mål scoret.

Canadierne har kun deltaget i en sidste runde af verdensmesterskabet. Det var VM i Mexico i 1986. I den indledende runde besejrede den Frankrig, Ungarn og det daværende Sovjetunionen tre gange.

Seneste spil fra Canada

Canada: 2 sejre – 2 uafgjort – 1 nederlag

6 sejre Mexico – 1 uafgjort – 0 sejre Canada

Mexicanerne har spillet hårdt hjemme indtil videre og har været ubesejret i alle konkurrencer for syv hjemmekampe. Ikke desto mindre har canadierne allerede på imponerende vis bevist over for de amerikanske drenge, at de også kan give en overraskelse hjemmefra. Indtil videre har der ikke været meget at hente i Mexico. El Tricolor har vundet deres sidste fem på hinanden følgende hjemmekampe mod Canucks. Som en del af vores VM betting prognose, er et vindende væddemål på hjemmeholdet en mulighed. Kontingentet må bestemt anses for at være fristende.

Spids Bundesliga-trend: Mexico vinder

Odds på Unibet*: 1,70 (odds: 10/07/2021, 15:13)

Disse tilbud kan være begrænset til nye kunder eller kan ikke længere være gyldige. Vilkår og betingelser for spiludbyderen gælder. Se de nøjagtige oplysninger direkte fra hjemmesiden for spiludbyderen. Alle tips er baseret på forfatterens personlige mening. Der er ingen garanti for succes. Vær venlig at spille med ansvar. 18+

* Alle odds, der blev vist, var gyldige på det tidspunkt, hvor artiklen blev oprettet. Alle odds kan variere. Tjek de aktuelle odds hos den respektive spiludbyder!

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Mexico vs. Canada Tip Forecast & Odds 08.10.2021

Mexico vs. Canada Tip & Odds, Oct. 8, 2021 – 03:40 AM – World Cup qualification CONCACAF

In the course of the North America World Cup qualification, Mexico and Canada will meet on the fourth matchday. Without a doubt, this is a soccer treat. We are already writing the last and third qualification round. Three of the eight participants will take the ticket directly to the World Cup in Qatar. The fourth in the league makes the detour via the play-offs. The Mexicans are treated as favourites in this match. This is primarily due to the fact that the “El Tri” enjoys home advantage at the Aztec Stadium on Friday from 03:40. Whether this can be used, it is necessary to find out in the following World Cup betting forecast.

(Status of the quotas: 10/07/2021, 3:13 pm)

The Mexicans caused quite a surprise on the last qualifying day. In Panama, the “El Tri” did not exceed a 1:1 after 90 minutes. The home team even had more of a game in the first round and went through Blackburn in front after 28 minutes. This result also reflected the pause. The second round was then clearly the guests’. In some cases, more than 63 percent possession of the ball was achieved. In addition, Mexico radiated great danger. Ultimately, the equalisation in the 76th minute was more than justified by Corona. But it wasn’t enough to have a threesome in the end.

After three matches, Mexico greets qualifiers from the top of the league table in the course of the World Cup. There are two victories and a draw. The two victories were to be won against Costa Rica (1:0) and Jamaica (2:1). Although the Mexicans did not shine in the course of the qualification, the yield can be described as very good.

The team was very strong in front of home and did not lose any of the last seven home games. But will it now be possible to record another experience of success against Canada?

Sixteen times the Mexicans were represented at a World Cup final. No other CONCACAF nation has participated in a World Cup so often. At the 2018 World Cup in Russia, the “El Tri” was eliminated in the sixteen final against Brazil.

Latest Games of Mexico

Mexico: 3 wins – 1 draw – 1 defeat

(Status: 06.10.2021)

On the last qualifying day against El Salvador, the Canadians showed no nakedness and lost a very confident 3-0 victory in front of their home team. The switches were already set in the first round for the threesome. Only six minutes had passed when Hutchinson put the home team in front. They were still hungry for goals and came through David to 2-0 after eleven minutes. The hosts gave up only three shots on the opponent’s goal in the first 45 minutes and two were in. Definitely a good opportunity. After the change of sides, the guests were distinguished by a lot of possession of the ball, but were unable to convert it into chances of scoring. But the Canadians are different. In the 59th minute Buchanan scored 3-0 and secured the final score at the same time.

The “Canucks” are still undefeated after three matchdays in the 3rd qualifying round. The first two games against the USA and Honduras brought a 1:1 result. Above all, the draw with the US Boys is to be rated as a very strong performance. The odds clearly pointed to the USA as a favorite tip. Five captured points are currently sufficient for rank 2. The gap to the leader from Mexico amounts to two points. With the USA and Panama, two other nations also have five points in their account. It promises to be a hot dance around the three direct qualification places. Together with the USA, Canada impresses with the best offensive in the North America qualification. This one looks at five goals scored.

The Canadians have only participated in a final round of the World Championship. This was the 1986 World Cup in Mexico. In the preliminary round, it defeated France, Hungary and the then USSR three times.

Recent Games from Canada

Canada: 2 wins – 2 draws – 1 defeat

6 wins Mexico – 1 draw – 0 wins Canada

The Mexicans have played hard at home so far and have been undefeated in all competitions for seven home games. Nevertheless, the Canadians have already impressively proved against the US boys that they can also provide a surprise away from home. So far, there hasn’t been much to get in Mexico. El Tricolor have won their last five consecutive home games against the Canucks. As part of our World Cup betting forecast, a winning bet on the home team is an option. The quota is certainly to be assessed as tempting.

Bet tip Bundesliga trend: Mexico wins

Betting odds at Unibet*: 1.70 (odds: 10/07/2021, 3:13 pm)

These offers may be limited to new customers or may no longer be valid. The terms and conditions of the betting provider apply. Please see the exact details directly from the website of the betting provider. All tips are based on the author’s personal opinion. There is no guarantee of success. Please bet with responsibility. 18+

* All odds shown were valid at the time the article was created. Every betting odds is subject to fluctuations. Please check the current odds with the respective betting provider!

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